Begin Within.
The Sacred Ways
Dave Rasmussen
Reiki Master/Teacher
1604 Chicago Ave, #14
Reiki for a Healthy Community
Evanston, IL 60201

$80 - $60 - $40
"Pay What You Can" Session Pricing
"As you shine, we all shine."

Reiki 1 Individual Class: $375
Reiki Lecture/Demo, Saturday, March. 8, 1pm, Evanston Public Library, Free

FAQs about Reiki Session Plans
What is a Reiki Session Plan?
At The Sacred Ways, Reiki treatments are done within a package (i.e. plan) that includes 3 (three), 60-minute Reiki sessions done over 4-6 wks. It also includes an optional 5-min. practice you do each day at home.
Who should do it?
A Reiki plan is for anyone ready and willing to improve themselves
This could include seeking relaxation, physical healing, getting in shape, feeling more worthy, creating purpose in life, becoming more spiritual, or other goals. How does Reiki help? Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, your state of mind impacts your health. A busy, stressed mind is often contributing to - or possibly creating - ailments you feel. But by calming your mind and re-directing thoughts, you can begin to feel better. Reiki sessions help you feel better by helping you calm and change your mind. Once achieved, this helps create "healing" that can range from re-engaging your body's physical healing processes, letting go of held emotions, inspiring you to change, or other things. By helping you calm your mind, Reiki sessions help you turn on your inner healer.
Why 4-6 weeks?
4-6 weeks offers a practical amount of time to schedule sessions and begin to see changes. As you might be aware, new behaviors take 3 weeks or longer to seed, and must be re-inforced for 2-6 months to really stick. Working on the changes you seek over a 30+ day period is a great way to get started and begin to feel a difference. Some people don't believe in Reiki. I'm not sure if I that OK?Yes. You have a right to be cautious and informed to protect your health, safety and pocketbook. Reiki sessions don't require belief, just openness. From a medical standpoint, Reiki treatments are somewhat difficult to understand and categorize. But that's only because they're not medical treatments themselves. Instead, they're tools for inner development which connect us to our intuition through the calming of the mind. In addition, we don't actually need to understand an approach to witness its impact. For example, the medical world doesn't yet understand certain diseases, yet still witnesses their impact. That said, Reiki treatments function much like meditation, and the benefits of meditation continue to be documented. If you wish, read the reviews and research shown on this site. Most of all, realize that Reiki sessions must be experienced to be understood. Only you will know the benefits they offer you. Booking a session plan allows you to find out.
Isn't a single session enough?
Singe sessions can be a wonderful experience. They can be eye-opening for people who've never felt deep calmness or a sense of intuition. They can be wonderful for immediate stress relief. However, healing takes time, and session plans offer a cumulative benefit as you begin making changes in your life.
What happens after I sign up for a plan?
When you pay for your plan, you'll select your first session date.
When you come in, we'll talk briefly about how you're feeling and what you want to improve.
If you like, you'll also create something enjoyable to do at home for 5 minutes each morning to re-enforce your goal.
You'll determine when you want to come back over the next 30+ days for your other sessions.
You may do your sessions in-person, via Zoom, or a combination.
At the end of the 4+ weeks, you'll have a short post-plan discussion.
What happens after I sign up for a plan?
When you pay for your plan, you'll select your first session date.
When you come in, we'll talk briefly about how you're feeling and what you want to improve.
If you like, you'll also create something enjoyable to do at home for 5 minutes each morning to re-enforce your goal.
Sessions are 60 minutes themselves, but please assume a total of 90 min. for pre- and post discussion.​
You may do your sessions in-person, via Zoom, or a combination.
At the end of the 4+ weeks, you'll have a short post-plan discussion.
Where do I sign up?
​Monday-Friday: 9am, 11am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm and 6:00pm
Times vary by day.
Sign up online from this website or call 312-835-0276
Do I pay for all the sessions at once?
Yes, you will pay the full session plan fee when you sign up
Does my insurance cover Reiki sessions?
No, Reiki is not covered by insurance.
Do I have to do the 5-minute program and do all my sessions in 4+ weeks?
No, you're not obligated to do either. However, both are highly recommend to help keep your commitment to yourself and feel results sooner.
What if I've never had Reiki before? What if I don't like it?
It's very rare that someone doesn't like a calming Reiki session. Also, by coming back, you're generally able to have even deeper experiences because you know how sessions work and are even more relaxed. However, if you genuinely don't find them beneficial, you may request and receive a refund for any unused sessions within 30 days of your first session.
Do I have to have any skills or experience to do a session?
No, none at all. Sessions "meet you where you are". They're available to everyone.
How are you adjusting sessions for COVID?
Please see the scheduling page for a discussion of the protocols used for COVID.
Is there a difference between In-person vs. Zoom session?
In-person sessions are the standard for Reiki treatments because your experience is assisted by the hands-on presence of a practitioner, a calm room, and limited distractions. For many people this is preferred over web-connected sessions.
However, the aim of all healing is to be calm and change your mindset. How this happens is up to you. If you prefer the comfort of your home, this may be conducive for your healing. On Zoom, you'll do calming exercises, place hands on your body at times, and sit for periods of reflection. Home session are more participatory than in-person sessions, where you allow the practitioner to work on you.
If you're not sure, consider first coming in person. Even if you plan to use Zoom, consider experiencing an in-person session also. If you're not in the Chicago area or cannot travel for in-person sessions, simply do all your sessions via Zoom.
Can I add sessions or do another plan when I'm done?
Of course. You may add another plan to continue your work or do more sessions any time during the plan.